Category: Uncategorized

  • A Simple Meditation Practice for Beginners

    “Meet yourself before your thoughts, not after your thoughts”. Read that again* Meet yourself before your thoughts, not after your thoughts. Meditation helps us to practice strengthening the muscles of being a witness to our thoughts, rather than a victim to our thoughts. We start to strengthen the muscle of getting to know our mind…

  • My Yoga Story

    I had a realization the other day that I often keep this side of myself hidden – -the Brooke that teaches yoga. The girl who has been practicing reiki since she was 10 years old. The girl who meditates every day. The girl who has been on a healing journey for most of her life.…

  • Namaste,

    Welcome to my website. For now, this is a place for me to share about my travels, my insight, and my experiences. I’ll be sharing a lot about health and nutrition, yoga, breathwork, meditation, and my travel experiences. Stay tuned for the evolution of my page. As I am always evolving, this page will be…